Pro-Stride Therapy

ProStride APS is a biologic intra-articular therapy that uses the horse’s own blood to create an injection for the treatment of joint injury and arthritis. This injection reduces inflammation and encourages healing of joints and other affected areas of the body.

A ProStride Therapy treatment can be created in just 20 minutes either in-hospital or on farm. The injection is a combination of both IRAP and PRP properties.

Blood is collected from the injured horse, centrifuged in specially prepared chambers and the resulting concentrated solution of cells, platelets, growth factors and anti-inflammatory proteins is then injected into the affected joint.

This therapy is recommended for horses with joint injury and degenerative joint disease that have not responded well to other treatments, or that have contraindications to traditional joint injections. This therapy can be repeated as often as needed.

IRAP Therapy

IRAP (Interleukin-1 Receptor Antagonist Protein) is a naturally created gene therapy using the horse’s own anti-inflammatory proteins. IRAP reduces intra-articular inflammation, slowing the progression of osteoarthritis.

IRAP is primarily used for arthritic joints that are not responding well to other treatments and for tendon/ligament injuries to reduce inflammation without impairing the overall healing process. It can also be used as a joint maintenance therapy to reduce the amount of steroid use or in conjunction with routine joint injections. IRAP contains no foreign substances so can be used in horses competing under strict drug testing rules.

Platelet Rich Plasma (PRP) Therapy

Blood platelets not only form clots, they also produce growth factors and anti-inflammatory substances that facilitate healing of damaged tissue. This therapy has been widely used in human athletes and is now readily available for the treatment of equine soft tissue and joint disease.

In less than an hour, a blood sample can be collected from the horse, filtered, the platelets concentrated and PRP Therapy administered directly to the injured area with the guidance of ultrasound imaging. PRP Therapy is helpful in the treatment of suspension ligament injuries, bowed tendons, joint disease and eye injuries.

Stem Cell Therapy

Stem Cell Therapy uses the horse’s own stem cells to repair and regenerate damaged tissue such as tendon and ligament injuries.

During a minor surgical procedure, the horse’s own stem cells are harvested from the bone marrow. The sample is then processed and stem cells are implanted into the injury site using ultrasound guidance.

Stem Cell Therapy is used to improve the quality of the end result rather than reducing rehabilitation time.


Osphos is a bio phosphate drug used to slow breakdown and encourage healthy remodeling of bone. This drug slows down the progression of degenerative joint disease and assists in the healing of a variety of equine boney ailments, such as navicluar syndrome.

Laser Therapy

Laser Therapy helps promote healing, reduce edema/inflammation and reduce pain for both acute and chronic conditions with a minimally invasive procedure. Laser Therapy is performed in hospital with the frequency varying from daily to monthly depending on the condition.